Check-list of items on the web-site

GEORGE, K.J. (2024g) The curious use of the digraph oy in the Middle Cornish text Bewnans Meryasek

GEORGE, K.J. (2024f) Final dental fricatives in Cornish

GEORGE, K.J. (2024e) Did tas 'father' and bras 'big' rhyme in Middle Cornish?

GEORGE, K.J. (2024d) Strict and loose rhymes in traditional Cornish verse

GEORGE, K.J. (2024c) The two Middle Cornish words for 'grace': gras and ras

GEORGE, K.J. (2024b) Enys Eusa ha'y Bretonek Slide-show presented at the Cornish Language Weekend, 2024.

GEORGE, K.J. (2024a) A wre tas ha bras rimya yn Kernewek Kres? Slide-show presented at the Cornish Language Weekend, 2024.

GEORGE, K.J. (2023b) Is broder the proper way to spell the Cornish word for brother? Slide-show presented to the 17th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Utrecht, 2023 July.

GEORGE, K.J. (2023a) The representation of Middle Cornish /o/. Report of the Akademi's Research Panel.

GEORGE, K.J. (2022c) Changes in the spelling of words with w-diphthongs. Discussion paper for Kesva an Taves Kernewek.

GEORGE, K.J. (2022b) Report of the Akademi's Research Panel on the spelling of five words.

GEORGE, K.J. (2022a) 'Beg' and 'believe' Unpublished paper.

GEORGE, K.J. (2021a) Tybyansow nowydh a-dro dhe Gwrians an bys New research about the play Creacon of the World, presented at the Cornish Language Weekend.

GEORGE, K.J. (2021b) The provenance of the Cornish mystery play Creacon of the World Slide-show presented to an invited audience, 2021 July 9.

GEORGE, K.J. (2021c) Agent suffixes in Cornish Discussion paper for Kesva an Taves Kernewek.

GEORGE, K.J. (2021d) Non-binary pronouns in Cornish First set of proposals Discussion paper for Kesva an Taves Kernewek.

GEORGE, K.J. (2021e) Non-binary pronouns in Cornish. Second set of proposals Discussion paper for Kesva an Taves Kernewek.

GEORGE, K.J. (2021f) Mutations after heb 'without' Unpublished note on grammar

GEORGE, K.J. (2021g) Translating a Welsh hymn into Cornish Unpublished paper.

GEORGE, K.J. (2020) An Gerlyver Meur, 3rd edn. Kesva an Taves Kernewek. This major dictionary is for sale, and in due course may be put on-line.

GEORGE, K.J. (2019a) Quantifying the development of post-tonic vowels in Cornish. Slide-show presented at the 16th International Congress of Celtic Studies, University of Bangor, July 2019

GEORGE, K.J. (2019b) How should the word for 'bonfire' be spelled? Discussion paper for Kesva an Taves Kernewek.

GEORGE, K.J. (2018a) What happened to Primitive Cornish /I/ when long in closed syllables? Paper presented to the Poznan Conference of Celtic Studies, Poland, July 2018.

GEORGE, K.J. (2018b) Middle and Late bases for Revived Cornish Slide-show presented at Skians 2018, Tremough Campus.

GEORGE, K.J. (2017a) Accommodating Middle and Late bases in Cornish orthography Unpublished discussion paper.

GEORGE, K.J. (2017b) Place-names of Cornwall in general and Pillaton in particular Slide-show presented in Pillaton, February 2017.

GEORGE, K.J. (2017c) Lenited and unlenited forms after Tre- Discussion paper for the Signage Panel.

GEORGE, K.J. (2017d) Note on Middle Cornish chymma and alemma

GEORGE, K.J. (2016a) w-diphthongs in Cornish Presented by Dr Ken George Slide-show presented at the Skians Conference, Tremough Campus.

GEORGE, K.J. (2016b) The treatment of the /o/ phoneme. Unpublished discussion paper, superseded by The representation of Middle Cornish /o/.

GEORGE, K.J. (2015a) Moy a-dro dhe s ha j Slide-show about assibilation and palatalization, presented at the Cornish Language Weekend.

GEORGE, K.J. (2015b) Assibilation and palatalization in Cornish Slide-show presented at the 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies, University of Glasgow, August 2015

GEORGE, K.J. (2015c) Triangulating the long front vowels to trace the fate of /I/ Slide-show presented at the Skians conference 2015.

GEORGE, K.J. (2014) And so to zed Slide-show presented at the the Skians Conference 2014.

GEORGE, K.J. (2013a) O-type vowels in Cornish Unpublished paper.

GEORGE, K.J. (2013b) The "Allen" elements in Cornish place-names. Discussion paper for the Signage Panel.

GEORGE, K.J. (2012) Were there dialects in traditional Cornish? Handout for a presentation at the Inaugural Bangor Conference of Celtic Studies.

GEORGE, K.J. (2011a) A yll Tokyo bos distruys dre dhorgrys? Article about the earthquake in Japan, published in An Gannas.

GEORGE, K.J. (2011b) Menydh and other Cornish words for 'hill' Discussion paper for the Signage Panel.

GEORGE, K.J. (2010) Fatell veu gwrys Gwrians an bys? Slide-show about the play Creacon of the World, presented at the Cornish Language Weekend.

GEORGE, K.J. (2009a) Kensonennow dewblek Handout about double consonants, presented at the Cornish Language Weekend.

KIMURA, G.C. (2009b) Cornish and Esperanto: similar enterprises? Translated from Esperanto by Ken George.

GEORGE, K.J. (2007a) The two forms of the Cornish word for 'two' Paper published in Transactions of the Royal Society of Cornwall.

GEORGE, K.J. (2007b) What can rhymes teach us about Cornish? Slide-show presented at the 13th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Bonn.

GEORGE, K.J. (2007c) The basis of Kernewek Kemmyn .

GEORGE, K.J. (2007d) Structure of Cornish verbs

GEORGE, K.J. (2006) Kernewek Kemmyn Slide-show presented at a public meeting.

BAILEY, K. (2006) Ten good reasons for adopting Kernewek Kemmyn as our official standard

GEORGE, K.J. (2005) Cornish - a fifth dialect of Breton? Paper presented at a conference on "Near Languages", University of Limerick, June 2005.

GEORGE, K.J. (2003) Promoting Kernewek Kemmyn Agan Yeth no. 4.

GEORGE, K.J. (2000a) Long o-type vowels in Cornish Agan Yeth 2, 14-28.

GEORGE, K.J. (2000b) Changes in the verbal stem in the subjunctive mood in Cornish presented at Harvard University, and published in Agan Yeth no. 3.

GEORGE, K.J. (2000c) On simplifying the lexical tagging of Cornish texts presented at the 6th annual conference of the North American Association for Celtic language teachers, University of Limerick, and published in their report.

GEORGE, K.J. (1999) Rhyme and scansion in Cornish presented by invitation at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands.

GEORGE, K.J. (1995a) Which base for revived Cornish? Cornish Studies, 2nd series, vol. 3.

GEORGE, K.J. (1995b) Kernewek / Cornish (Report on the teaching of Cornish) The lesser used languages in teacher education: towards the promotion of the European dimension; Proceedings of a Summer University held in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, July 1994

GEORGE, K.J. (1993) The noun suffixes -(y)ans, -ter/-der and neth in Cornish Proc. 9th Intl. Congress of Celtic Studies, pp. 203-213.

GEORGE, K.J. (1992) An delinyans pellder-termyn: toul rag studhya an yeth kernewek Paper published in Bretagne et pays celtiques.