Bright the vision that delighted Ass o splann an vesyon gwelys
Fill Thou my life Leunha gans prays
God moves in a mysterious way Yn fordh kevrinek yma Duw
Great is He, the Lord eternal Meur yw Ev, Duw ollgallozek
Love divine, all loves excelling K'renza Duw, heb parow dhedhi
Now thank we all our God Re ryllyn gras dhe Dhuw Nun danket alle Gott
Our God reigns Duw a reyn
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven Gormel Myghtern Nev, ow ene'
Teach me, my God and King Dysk dhymm, Myghtern ha Duw
The Lord's my Shepherd Ow bugel vy an Arludh yw
We limit not the truth of God Ny strothyn ni gwiryonedh Duw
Angels from the realms of glory Eledh splann a Nev devedhys
As with gladness men of old Dell wrug tuz ri mir war-vann
A Virgin unspotted Unn wyrghes pur wynn
Away in a manger Yn presep rag kowell
God rest ye merry, gentlemen A bedhewgh kosel, syrrys vaz
Good Christian men rejoice Omlowenhewgh Kristonyon vaz
Good King Wenceslas Wenseslas Myghtern
Greun gwynn eus dhe'n gelynnenn
Hark the glad sound Klew orth an son
Hark the herald angels sing Klew! Kannazow Nev a gan
The spider carol Karol an gevnizenn
It came upon the midnight clear Yn kler dhe hanter-nos y teuth
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep Yesus byghan, kosk yn hweg
Lo, He comes, an infant stranger Ott! An flogh ankoth devedhys
Lo, the eastern sages rise Ott! Tuz fur a sev yn-bann
O come, all ye faithful A dewgh, lelgryjygyon Adeste fideles
O come, o come, Emmanuel A deus, A deus, Emmanuel
O Christmas tree A sybwydhenn O Tannenbaum
O little town of Bethlehem Ass osta kosel, Bethlehem
Once in royal David's city Kyns yn sita Davydh riel
See amid the winter's snow Mir, yn mysk an ergh yma
Silent night Taw yw an nos Stille Nacht
The angel Gabriel from Heaven came A Nev y teuth Gabriel el war-dhann
The little drummer boy An meppik tabourer
We three kings A'n howldrevel 'th on tri myghtern
While shepherds watched Pan wre bugeledh
I know that my Redeemer lives Y hwonn bos ow Dasprenyas byw
Jesus Christ is risen today Yesus Krist dasserghys yw
Now the green blade riseth D'worth an greun ynkleudhys
Thine be the glory Re bo glori dhiz
To God be the glory Dhe Dhuw re bo kloz
When I survey the wondrous cross Pan virav orth an Grows a bayn
All things bright and beautiful Peub yw fethus, peub yw fur
All things praise Thee Peub a'th wormel
Come, ye thankful people, come Dewgh, hwi bobel, kana gwrewgh
For the beauty of the Earth Rag an nor ha'y dekter leun
God in His love for us Ny vydh an planet ma dhyn
Now the green blade riseth D'worth an greun ynkleudhys
Summer suns are glowing Howl an hav ow splanna
To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise Y sevyn agan kolonn Dhiz
We plough the fields, and scatter Yth eryn ni an gwelyow
Wir pfluegen und wir streuen Yth eryn ni ha gaza
Yes, God is good Ya, Duw yw maz
All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name Dynnerghi hanow Yesu gwrewgh
In Christ alone Yn Krist hepken
Jesu, joy of man's desiring Yesu, a'gan ewl lowena
Jesu, lover of my soul Yesu, kar ow enev oz
O tyred i'n gwaredu, Iesu da A fysk rag ri dhyn gweres, Yesu maz
Saviour, blessed Saviour Selwyas meur vennigys
Eternal Father, strong to save A Daz bythkwethek, Sylwyas krev
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us Taz a Nev, gwra agan ledya
Hymn of the Cornish saints Duw a ros dhe'n byz dazwrians
A Dhuw, goslow orth gonizogyon
Come, we that love the Lord Karoryon Duw dell on
For all the saints Rag oll an syns
My faith, it is an oaken staff Ow fydh yw lorgh a dherowbrenn
O for a thousand tongues to sing A'm be mil daves, kansen byw
Souls of men, why will ye scatter Enevow a duz, prag 'hwandrowgh
Through the night of doubt and sorrow Dres an nos a dhout hag anken